Last night I photographed a peaceful protest in Belton. It was one of hundreds of similar protests across the nation to bring attention to the plight of immigrants and refugees in detainment centers in the United States. There was a modest turn-out (considering location) and about half as many counter protesters.
Now, no matter what side of things you're on, I think all decent people can agree that the following is unacceptable behavior: calling an immigrant protester fat, rehashing memes from 2012 identifying yourself as an "attack helicopter", yelling at a woman with a baby about abortion for some unknown reason, taunting the female speaker as "a man with a vagina", and the coup de grâce to their credibility; rushing across the street, trying to rip a sign out of a protester's hand and then screaming in people's faces. It's worth noting that these individuals were armed while they embarrassed themselves in public.
We are better than this. As a culture, as a peoples and as human beings.
Now, on to the photos!